澳大利亚青年男子在脑膜炎球菌B存活时间很小,这凸显了全国疫苗成本差异。 Young Australian man narrowly survives meningococcal B, highlighting vaccine cost disparities nationwide.
詹姆士,一个年轻的澳大利亚男子, 勉强活下来 meningococcal B, 一种罕见的危险疾病。 James, a young Australian man, narrowly survived meningococcal B, a rare and dangerous disease. 他的母亲菲奥娜·霍尔讲述了他迅速衰落和最终康复的悲惨经历。 His mother, Fiona Hall, recounts the harrowing experience of his swift decline and eventual recovery. 尽管在过去十年中,该疾病影响到1 000多名澳大利亚人,但全国免疫方案只覆盖南澳大利亚州和昆士兰州,其他州则要求家庭支付最多400澳元的两剂疫苗。 While the disease has affected over 1000 Australians in the last decade, the vaccination is covered under the National Immunisation Program only in South Australia and Queensland, with other states requiring families to pay up to $400 for the two doses.