马来西亚的卫生专家大力推广成人肺炎球菌疫苗,以减少肺炎死亡率上升。 Health experts in Malaysia push for adult pneumococcal vaccines to reduce rising pneumonia deaths.
马来西亚卫生专家敦促为成人和高危群体采用肺炎球菌疫苗,以防治越来越多的与肺炎有关的死亡人数,预计到2023年将达到18 000人。 Health experts in Malaysia urge the introduction of pneumococcal vaccines for adults and high-risk groups to combat a rising number of pneumonia-related deaths, projected to top 18,000 in 2023. 根据Shanmuganathan Ganeson博士的说法,疫苗已经是国家儿童免疫方案的一部分,可以减少住院人数,降低保健费用,促进牧群免疫。 The vaccine, already part of the National Immunisation Programme for children, could reduce hospital admissions, lower healthcare costs, and promote herd immunity, according to Dr. Shanmuganathan Ganeson. 马来西亚私人医院协会还支持私人设施提供疫苗,以降低高危人群的发病率和死亡率。 The Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia also supports making the vaccine available in private facilities to reduce morbidity and mortality in high-risk populations.