联合王国2022/23报告有396例侵入性脑膜炎球菌病病例,比前一年的205例有所增加。 396 invasive meningococcal disease cases reported in UK 2022/23, up from 205 in previous year.
联合王国卫生官员警告说,脑膜炎病例大幅增加,2022/23年报告的侵入性脑膜炎球菌病病例为396例,比上一年的205例有所增加。 Health officials in the UK are warning about a significant rise in meningitis cases, with 396 invasive meningococcal disease cases reported in 2022/23, up from 205 the previous year. 现在,人们敦促公众确保接种最新疫苗,并识别头痛和发烧等症状。 Meningitis Now urges the public to ensure vaccinations are up to date and to recognize symptoms such as headaches and fever. 这种疾病可能危及生命,如果怀疑感染,迅速采取行动至关重要。 The disease can be life-threatening, and prompt action is crucial if infection is suspected. 建议为特定年龄的婴儿接种疫苗。 Vaccination is recommended for infants at specific ages.