英国对苏丹及邻国的援助翻了一番, 承诺超过110亿英镑用于帮助1M战争灾民。 UK doubles aid to Sudan and neighbors, committing over £110M to help 1M affected by war.
联合王国对苏丹和邻国的援助增加了一倍,承诺提供1.1亿多英镑援助100多万受当前战争影响的人。 The UK has doubled its aid to Sudan and neighboring countries, committing over £110 million to assist over a million people affected by the ongoing war. 援助支持苏丹600 000人和邻国700 000名难民的食物、住所、医疗援助和其他必需品。 The aid supports food, shelter, medical assistance, and other essentials for 600,000 in Sudan and 700,000 refugees in neighboring countries. 4月开始的冲突已造成重大痛苦,造成20 000多人死亡,1 100万流离失所。 The conflict, which began in April, has caused significant suffering with over 20,000 deaths and 11 million displaced. 联合王国的目标是保护平民,确保在担心发生类似1980年代埃塞俄比亚危机的饥荒时提供援助。 The UK aims to protect civilians and ensure aid delivery amid fears of a famine similar to the 1980s Ethiopian crisis.