印度的番茄价格下跌22.4%,原因是主要农业邦供应量增加。 Tomato prices in India drop 22.4% due to increased supplies from key farming states.
印度的番茄价格自10月以来下跌22.4%, 11月14日跌至52.35卢比/公斤, Tomato prices in India have fallen by 22.4% since October, dropping to Rs 52.35 per kg on November 14, down from Rs 67.50 per kg. 减少的原因是来自马哈拉施特拉邦和中央邦等邦的供应增加,预计今年产量将增加4%。 The decrease is due to increased supplies from states like Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, with production expected to rise by 4% this year. 天气状况支持了稳定的供应链,扭转了安得拉邦和卡纳塔克早些时候暴雨造成的价格暴涨。 Weather conditions have supported a steady supply chain, reversing the price surge caused by heavy rains in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka earlier.