斯里兰卡海军逮捕了5名涉嫌在该国沿海缴获毒品的嫌疑人。 Sri Lankan navy arrests five suspects in narcotics seizure off the country's coast.
斯里兰卡海军最近逮捕了5名嫌犯,并扣押了一艘拖网渔船,该拖网渔船位于斯里兰卡以西110海里处,据称载有40公斤麻醉品。 The Sri Lankan navy recently arrested five suspects and seized a fishing trawler 110 nautical miles west of the country, allegedly carrying 40 kg of narcotics. 这次拦截是打击走私活动特别行动的一部分,海军将进一步调查此案并采取法律行动。 This interception is part of a special operation to combat smuggling, and the navy will further investigate the case and take legal action. 这不是第一次在斯里兰卡沿海发生此类事件。 This is not the first such incident off Sri Lanka's coast.