斯里兰卡海军在一艘拖网渔船上逮捕了6名嫌疑人,没收了大约60公斤麻醉品。 Sri Lankan navy arrests six suspects on a fishing trawler, seizing about 60 kg of narcotics.
斯里兰卡海军在斯里兰卡西部的一艘拖网渔船上逮捕了6名嫌疑人,他们在那里缴获了大约60公斤的麻醉品。 Six suspects were arrested by the Sri Lankan navy on a fishing trawler west of Sri Lanka, where they seized approximately 60 kilograms of narcotics. 嫌犯和船只正被带上岸作进一步调查。 The suspects and the boat are being taken to shore for further investigation. 这项行动是海军目前打击贩毒努力的一部分,今年缴获了价值超过150亿卢比的毒品。 This operation is part of the navy's ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking, having seized drugs valued at over 15 billion rupees this year.