12名印度渔民因在斯里兰卡水域偷猎而于10月27日被斯里兰卡海军逮捕;这是Palk海峡目前海上争端的一部分。 12 Indian fishermen arrested by Sri Lankan Navy on Oct. 27 for poaching in Sri Lankan waters; part of ongoing maritime disputes in the Palk Strait.
斯里兰卡海军于10月27日逮捕了12名印度渔民,据称他们在其领水Point Pedro附近偷猎,加剧了印度和斯里兰卡之间的紧张关系。 The Sri Lankan Navy arrested 12 Indian fishermen on October 27 for allegedly poaching in its territorial waters near Point Pedro, raising tensions between India and Sri Lanka. 这一事件是一个更大的问题,今年有462名印度渔民因类似罪行被捕。 This incident is part of a larger issue, with 462 Indian fishermen apprehended this year for similar offenses. 逮捕行动突显了目前帕尔克海峡海上边界争端,两国的渔民经常进入对方的水域。 The arrests highlight ongoing disputes over maritime boundaries in the Palk Strait, where fishermen from both countries frequently cross into each other's waters.