马耳他最大的公墓阿多洛拉塔(Addololata)在五年后开始600万欧元的修复工作。 Malta's largest cemetery, Addolorata, inaugurates a €6 million restoration after five years.
马耳他最大的阿多洛拉塔公墓已完成一个600万欧元的修复项目。 The Addolorata Cemetery in Malta, the country's largest, has completed a €6 million restoration project. 卫生部长Jo Etienne Abela和Charles Scicluna大主教为恢复的礼拜堂和纪念碑,包括索罗圣母教堂和盖特教堂揭幕。 The Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela and Archbishop Charles Scicluna inaugurated the restored chapels and monuments, including the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows and the Gatt Chapel. 为期五年的项目旨在保护1869年启用的墓地的历史结构。 The five-year project aimed to preserve historical structures in the cemetery opened in 1869. Scicluna大主教感谢政府和医疗服务基金会的支助。 Archbishop Scicluna thanked the government and Foundation for Medical Services for their support.