马里17米高的阿斯基亚墓的修复因气候变化造成的极端天气而延迟. 17-meter Tomb of Askia restoration in Mali delayed by extreme weather related to climate change.
由于气候变化加剧的极端天气,教科文组织世界遗产所在地马里北部Askia17米长的墓穴的恢复工作被推迟。 The restoration of the 17-meter Tomb of Askia in northern Mali, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has been delayed due to extreme weather exacerbated by climate change. 大雨造成了破坏,使3月开始的工作停止,直至9月底。 Heavy rains have caused damage, halting work that started in March until late September. 该项目由Aliph基金会资助,旨在可持续地修复坟墓,同时让当地工匠参与其中。 Funded by the Aliph Foundation, the project aims to restore the tomb sustainably while engaging local craftsmen. 尽管存在挑战,但人们乐观地认为,要保护这个具有重要文化意义的遗址是乐观的。 Despite challenges, there is optimism about preserving this culturally significant site.