在阿富汗被捕的猎人 杀害了一只受保护的棕熊 并在网上分享照片 Hunters arrested in Afghanistan for killing a protected brown bear and sharing photo online.
阿富汗巴达赫尚省的两名猎人因杀害棕熊和在社交媒体上张贴动物死亡照片而被捕。 Two hunters in Afghanistan's Badakhshan province have been arrested for killing a brown bear and posting a photo of the dead animal on social media. 该行为违反了当地禁止狩猎野生动物的禁令,目的是保护环境。 The act violates the local ban on hunting wild animals, aimed at protecting the environment. 这起逮捕案突显了该区域保护濒危野生动植物的努力,该地区是雪豹和马可波罗羊等稀有物种的栖息地。 This arrest highlights efforts to protect endangered wildlife in the region, which is home to rare species like snow leopards and Marco Polo sheep.