前总理朱莉娅·吉拉德(Julia Gillard)在高等法院批准天主教教区后,敦促为虐待幸存者伸张正义。 Former PM Julia Gillard urges justice for abuse survivors after High Court cleared Catholic diocese.
澳大利亚前总理朱莉娅·吉拉德对高等法院的一项裁决深表关切,该裁决宣布维多利亚的一个天主教教区对一起儿童性虐待的历史案件负有责任。 Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard expressed deep concern over a High Court ruling that cleared a Catholic diocese in Victoria of liability in a case of historical child sexual abuse. 吉拉德于2012年成立了一个处理虐待儿童问题的皇家委员会,他呼吁澳大利亚总检察长确保幸存者获得正义。 Gillard, who established a Royal Commission into child abuse in 2012, called on Australia's attorneys-general to ensure justice for survivors. 高等法院的裁决推翻了以前裁定教区对前牧师Bryan Coffey神父的行为负有责任的裁决。 The High Court's decision overturned previous rulings that held the diocese responsible for the actions of a former priest, Father Bryan Coffey.