佛罗里达州警长办公室在感恩节前 将600多只火鸡 送到有需要的家庭 Florida sheriff's office hands out over 600 turkeys to families in need before Thanksgiving.
在佛罗里达的奥兰治郡治安官办公室在周六主办了一年一度的火鸡赠送活动,在感恩节之前向有需要的家庭分发600多只火鸡。 The Orange County Sheriff's Office in Florida hosted its annual turkey giveaway on Saturday, distributing over 600 turkeys to families in need ahead of Thanksgiving. 60多名官员协助开展了这一活动,该活动每年都在增加,目的是帮助家庭应付不断上涨的食品成本。 Over 60 officers assisted in the event, which has grown each year and aims to help families struggling with rising food costs. John Mina警长指出,这次活动促进了社区与执法部门之间的积极关系。 Sheriff John Mina stated that the event fosters positive relations between the community and law enforcement.