土狼一周后获救,牛奶罐卡在头上;现在脱水后正在恢复。 Coyote rescued after week with milk jug stuck on its head; now recovering from dehydration.
一只土狼在头上卡了一周多的牛奶罐后 获救 A coyote was rescued after having a milk jug stuck on its head for over a week. 最初于 11 月 6 日报告,尽管进行了两次搜查,这只动物还是躲过了 Lake Villa 警察局。 Initially reported on November 6, the animal eluded Lake Villa Police Department despite two searches. 一名居民随后联系了弗林特溪野生动物复原所,在另外两名居民取走水壶后,该康复所派出一个小组来营救土狼。 A resident then contacted Flint Creek Wildlife Rehabilitation, which sent a team to rescue the coyote after two other residents removed the jug. 该土狼目前正在该设施恢复,接受脱水治疗。 The coyote is now recovering at the facility, receiving treatment for dehydration.