中国在珠海网进行航空博览会397亿美元飞机交易,引起全球关注。 China's aviation expo in Zhuhai nets $39.7 billion in aircraft deals, drawing global attention.
在珠海举行的第十五届中国国际航空和航空航天展览会为1 195架飞机达成了价值397亿美元的交易。 The 15th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, held in Zhuhai, saw $39.7 billion worth of deals for 1,195 aircraft. 这次为期6天的活动有来自47个国家的1 022家公司参加,展示了261架飞机和248类地面设备,包括隐形战斗机和导弹系统。 The six-day event, featuring 1,022 companies from 47 countries, showcased 261 aircraft and 248 types of ground equipment, including stealth fighter jets and missile systems. 将近590 000名观众出席,400多个组织的4 500名记者对媒体进行了广泛报道。 Nearly 590,000 spectators attended, with extensive media coverage by 4,500 journalists from over 400 organizations.