高速追逐在Humble附近的坠毁中结束,嫌疑人被拘留,3人住院。 A high-speed chase ended in a crash near Humble, with the suspect taken into custody and three hospitalized.
从斯普伦多拉到Humble的高速追逐在一辆白色本田的司机拒绝停车、超速超过80英里后坠毁。 A high-speed chase from Splendora to Humble ended with a crash after a driver in a white Honda refused to stop, speeding over 80 mph. 当疑犯开着红灯 撞上了另一辆车时 追逐就结束了 The chase concluded when the suspect ran a red light and collided with another car. 3人住院,嫌疑人被拘押。 Three people were hospitalized, and the suspect was taken into custody. 包括Splendora和Humble警察在内的多个部门的当局参与了追捕行动。 Authorities from multiple departments, including Splendora and Humble police, were involved in the pursuit.