科学家们重新发现了一种稀有的 近乎看不见的海洋蠕虫 长达60年之久 与海马一起生活在珊瑚中 Scientists rediscovered a rare, nearly invisible marine worm, unseen for 60 years, living with seahorses in coral.
科学家们重新发现了近乎看不见的海洋蠕虫Haplosyllis anthogorgicola,60多年来从未见过它。 Scientists have rediscovered a nearly invisible marine worm, Haplosyllis anthogorgicola, which had not been seen in over 60 years. 从日本到澳大利亚的珊瑚聚居地 发现这些小虫子 仅6毫米长 与海马同住 The tiny worms, measuring just 6 millimeters, were found living alongside seahorses in coral colonies from Japan to Australia. 研究人员通过分析潜水者拍摄并在iNatulist网站上分享的海马图像,发现了蠕虫的证据,扩大了已知栖息地。 By analyzing images of seahorses taken by scuba divers and shared on the iNaturalist website, researchers found evidence of the worms, expanding their known habitat.