卡塔尔中央银行发放了27亿卡塔尔里亚尔的国库券,利率从4.7120%至4.9180.0%不等。 Qatar's Central Bank issued QR2.7 billion in treasury bills with interest rates ranging from 4.7120% to 4.9180%.
卡塔尔中央银行发放了27亿卡塔尔里亚尔的国库券,到期期从7天到350天不等。 Qatar's Central Bank issued QR2.7 billion in treasury bills with maturity periods ranging from 7 days to 350 days. 账单分布在6个时期,每个时期收取不同的利率,从7天账单的4.9180%下降到350天账单的4.7120 %。 The bills were distributed across six tenors, with each receiving varying interest rates, starting from 4.9180% for the 7-day bill down to 4.7120% for the 350-day bill. 拍卖总投标达105亿卡塔尔卢比。 Total auction bids reached QR10.5 billion.