由于通胀较低,加纳国库券拍卖利率连续第十一次下降。 11th consecutive fall in Ghana's treasury bill auction interest rates due to lower inflation.
加纳央行报告称,由于通胀下降,其最新国库券拍卖期间利率下降,这是连续第 11 次下降。 The Bank of Ghana reported a decline in interest rates during its latest treasury bill auction, marking the 11th consecutive fall, attributed to lower inflation. 91天票据收益率从26.74%下降至26.50%,182天票据收益率从29.24%下降至29%。 The 91-day bill's yield decreased from 26.74% to 26.50%, and the 182-day bill's yield dropped from 29.24% to 29%. 364天票据的利率也从29.85%下降至29.60%。 The interest rate for the 364-day bill also fell from 29.85% to 29.60%. 尽管目标为 38.9 亿吉拉德,政府还是从拍卖中获得了 53.6 亿吉拉德,其中大量出价来自 91 天法案。 Despite the target being GH¢3.89bn, the government secured GH¢5.36bn from the auction, with substantial bids coming from the 91-day bill.