在悉尼西南部Belimbla公园附近的Cessna 182和Jabiru之间发生空中碰撞时,3名男子死亡。 3 men died in a midair collision between a Cessna 182 and a Jabiru near Belimbla Park, southwest of Sydney.
Cessna 182和一架Jabiru轻型飞机于周六11:50左右在悉尼西南奥克代尔的Belimbla公园附近发生空中碰撞,三人死亡。 Three men died in a midair collision between a Cessna 182 and a Jabiru light plane near Belimbla Park, Oakdale, southwest of Sydney, on Saturday around 11:50 am. 两架飞机都在灌木地区毁,其中一架在撞击时起火. Both planes crashed in a bushland area, with one igniting upon impact. 紧急服务证实现场死亡, 将事件描述为“无法生存”。 Emergency services confirmed the fatalities at the scene, describing the incident as "unsurvivable." 澳大利亚运输安全局将进行调查,当局已建立两个犯罪现场。 The Australian Transport Safety Bureau will investigate, and authorities have established two crime scenes.