前VA官员Juan Carrillo因用警棍毒打一名无家可归者被判处一年监禁。 Former VA officer Juan Carrillo sentenced to a year in prison for severely beating a homeless man with a baton.
前VA警官Juan Anthony Carrillo因在洛杉矶VA医疗中心45次用警棍毒打无家可归的男子被判处一年监禁。 A former VA police officer, Juan Anthony Carrillo, has been sentenced to a year in prison for severely beating a homeless man with a baton 45 times at a VA medical center in Los Angeles. 46岁的Carrillo在已经被拘留期间殴打了34岁的男子,造成重伤。 Carrillo, 46, hit the 34-year-old man while he was already detained, causing severe injuries. 该案件仍在多个机构调查之中。 The case is still under investigation by multiple agencies.