前佛罗里达儿童福利工作者因谋杀和虐待其养女儿而被捕。 Former Florida child welfare worker arrested for murder and abuse of her adopted daughter.
Diane Natasha Mack, 34岁,前佛罗里达州儿童和家庭部雇员,在收养13岁的女儿被发现死在他们的Sebring家中后,她被逮捕并被指控犯有一级谋杀罪和严重虐待儿童罪。 Diane Natasha Mack, a 34-year-old former Florida Department of Children and Families employee, has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse after her adopted 13-year-old daughter was found dead in their Sebring home. 该女孩严重营养不良,多处受伤。 The girl was severely malnourished and had multiple wounds. Mack, 也是一名前诉讼监护人,据称将儿童禁闭,并试图销毁证据。 Mack, also a former guardian ad litem, allegedly restrained the child and attempted to destroy evidence. 她没有保释就被拘留。 She is being held without bail.