迪基基金会向诺曼警方拨款10 000美元 用来购买头盔 增强第一反应者的安全 Dickey Foundation grants $10,000 to Norman Police for helmets, boosting first responders' safety.
迪基基金会(Dickey Foundation)与迪基的酒吧餐厅连结, 已向诺曼警察局拨款超过一万元。 The Dickey Foundation, linked to Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, has granted over $10,000 to the Norman Police Department. 这笔资金将为急救人员(如医护人员和消防人员)购买战术盔,以加强他们在危险情况下的安全。 The funds will buy Safariland Tactical Helmets for first responders like paramedics and firefighters to boost their safety in dangerous situations. 这笔赠款凸显了基金会对支持和保护全美国第一反应者的承诺。 This grant highlights the foundation's commitment to supporting and protecting first responders across the U.S.