David Smith为帮助农村志愿消防员提出服装津贴法案。 Oklahoma Rep. David Smith proposes bill for clothing allowance to aid rural volunteer firefighters.
David Smith向农村志愿消防员提供服装津贴,以帮助他们。 Oklahoma Rep. David Smith has introduced a bill to help rural volunteer firefighters by providing them with a clothing allowance. 《农村志愿消防员服装津贴法》将设立一项国家基金,以偿还符合条件的消防员的制服费用。 The "Rural Volunteer Firefighter Clothing Allowance Grants Act" would create a state fund to reimburse eligible firefighters for their uniforms. 要获得资格,消防员必须是经认证的俄克拉荷马州部门的一部分,对75%的呼叫作出反应,并完成24小时的培训。 To qualify, firefighters must be part of a certified Oklahoma department, respond to 75% of calls, and complete 24 hours of training. 如果获得批准,该法案将于11月1日生效。 If approved, the bill would take effect on November 1.