在加拿大一个损坏的徒步足迹, 用于拍摄“被盗儿童”的影片, 在车辆损坏后被恢复。 A damaged hiking trail in Canada, used for filming "The Stolen Child," was restored after vehicle damage.
加拿大阿尔贝尼港的Log TrainTrail的一段路段在10月下旬大雨中被电影摄制组的车辆损坏后已经恢复。 A section of the Log Train Trail in Port Alberni, Canada, has been restored after being damaged by vehicles from a film crew during heavy rain in late October. 用于拍摄幻想史诗《被偷走的孩子》的线索 由AV小迪格尔的Jamie Donovan 和Hauler修复, 后者铺设了一层薄薄的岩石。 The trail, used for filming the fantasy epic "The Stolen Child," was repaired by Jamie Donovan of AV Little Digger and Hauler, who laid a thin layer of rock. 电影摄制组道歉并支付了恢复费用。 The film crew apologized and covered the restoration costs.