《Train Dreams》在圣丹斯电影节首映,因音频问题而受到批评,因为电影节正在考虑搬迁。 "Train Dreams" premieres at Sundance, criticized for audio issues, as festival considers relocating.
“火车梦”在圣丹斯电影节首映时, 展现了对爱达荷州20世纪美国生活的目光惊人的景象, 但却因音频质量差而面临批评, "Train Dreams," premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, offers a visually stunning look at 20th-century American life in Idaho but faces criticism for poor audio quality that makes dialogue hard to understand. 电影讲述了罗伯特·格雷纳 (Robert Grainer) 的故事,他是一名火车建造者和伐木工,但技术问题阻碍了观众与角色的联系. The film follows Robert Grainer, a train builder and logger, but technical issues have hindered audience connection with the characters. 由于财务压力和无障碍问题,音乐节组织者也在考虑将圣丹斯音乐节从犹他州搬走,尽管该活动在过去 15 年中为该州带来了超过 13 亿美元的收入。 Festival organizers are also considering moving Sundance away from Utah due to financial pressures and accessibility issues, despite the event bringing in over $1.3 billion to the state over the past 15 years.