加利福尼亚州法官允许亨廷顿海滩执行选民身份证法, California judge permits Huntington Beach to enforce voter ID law, despite state opposition.
加利福尼亚州法官裁定亨廷顿海滩可以实施其选民身份证法,今年早些时候市选民批准了该法。 A California judge has ruled that Huntington Beach can implement its voter ID law, which was approved by city voters earlier this year. 国家辩称,法律与州法律相冲突,对低收入和非白人选民的影响格外严重。 The state argued the law conflicts with state law and disproportionately affects low-income and non-white voters. 虽然法官允许该市向前迈进,但州总检察长办公室计划进一步采取法律行动,因为禁止选民身份证要求的州法律在明年才生效。 While the judge allowed the city to move forward, the state Attorney General's office plans further legal action, as the state law banning voter ID requirements does not take effect until next year.