纽约州上诉法院裁定纽约市的非公民地方投票法违宪。 New York State's Appellate Court rules NYC's non-citizen local voting law unconstitutional.
纽约州上诉法院裁定,纽约市允许非公民在地方选举中投票的法律违宪。 New York State's Appellate Court has ruled that a New York City law allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections is unconstitutional. 该法律于 2021 年 12 月通过,旨在为在该市居住至少 30 天的非公民创建一个新的“市政选民”类别。 The law, passed in December 2021, aimed to create a new category of "municipal voters" for non-citizens residing in the city for at least 30 days. 上诉法院强调,纽约州宪法明确规定“每个公民都有权投票”,隐含地排除了非公民的投票权。 The appeals court emphasized that the New York State Constitution explicitly states that "every citizen shall be entitled to vote," implicitly excluding non-citizens from the right to vote. 关于该法律的辩论在政治路线上存在分歧,民主党主张更具包容性的政治格局,共和党则对潜在的选民欺诈表示担忧。 The debate over the law has been divided along political lines, with Democrats arguing for a more inclusive political landscape and Republicans raising concerns about potential voter fraud.