当局于11月15日在Longmont逮捕了一名6辆汽车坠毁的男子,造成1人重伤。 Authorities arrested a man for a six-vehicle crash in Longmont on Nov. 15 that seriously injured one person.
当局逮捕了一名对2024年11月15日在科罗拉多州隆蒙特发生的六辆汽车坠毁事件负责的人,造成一人重伤。 Authorities have arrested a man responsible for a six-vehicle crash in Longmont, Colorado, which occurred on November 15, 2024, leaving one person seriously injured. 另外,两名嫌疑人在一次高速追逐中被捕,这次追击行动涉及在洛夫兰坠毁后失窃的一辆2015年银色的Subaru Forrester。 Separately, two suspects were arrested following a high-speed chase involving a stolen 2015 silver Subaru Forrester after it crashed in Loveland. 车辆在Weld县一次武装劫车事件中被盗。 The vehicle was stolen during an armed carjacking in Weld County.