科罗拉多州一名男子因车祸后三处枪击被捕,受害者状况不明。 Man arrested in Colorado for triple-shooting after car crash, victims' conditions unknown.
科罗拉多州一名男子因在车祸后开枪射击三人而被捕;犯罪嫌疑人的姓名尚未公布。 A man was arrested in Colorado for triple-shooting after a car crash; the suspect's name was withheld. 事件发生后,有三人遭到枪击。 Three individuals were shot in the incident's aftermath. 受害者状况尚不清楚。 Victims' conditions are unknown. 当局进行了广泛搜查以找到嫌疑人,目前他已被拘留。 Authorities conducted an extensive search to locate the suspect, who is now in custody. 警方尚未透露嫌疑人的动机或其他细节。 Police have not disclosed the suspect's motives or further details.