美国军方的自杀率从2022年的493人上升到2023年的523人,尽管在心理健康方面做出了努力。 Suicides in the U.S. military rose to 523 in 2023, up from 493 in 2022, despite mental health efforts.
2023年,美国军方的自杀事件有所增加,从上一年的493起增至523起,尽管为解决这一问题作出了努力。 Suicides in the U.S. military increased in 2023, rising to 523 from 493 the previous year, despite efforts to address the issue. 这一上升尤其影响到现役部队和预备役人员,现役军人和预备役人员的自杀率上升,国民警卫队的自杀率略有下降。 The rise particularly affected active-duty troops and reservists, with the suicide rate increasing among active-duty service members and reserves, but slightly decreasing for the National Guard. 国防部已将心理健康支助和枪械安全教育列为优先事项,但这些措施的全面执行仍然不完整。 The Defense Department has prioritized mental health support and gun safety education, but full implementation of these measures remains incomplete.