研究表明,与军方有联系的自杀风险较高的青年持枪率较低。 Military-connected youth with higher suicidal risk have lower gun-carrying rates, study suggests.
科罗拉多大学医学院的研究发表在JAMA网络公开上,该研究显示,与军方有联系的自杀思想和计划风险较高的青年持枪率较低。 The University of Colorado School of Medicine study published in JAMA Network Open reveals that military-connected youth with higher risk for suicidal ideation & plans exhibit lower rates of gun-carrying. 研究表明,减少军事社区持枪携带枪支的战略可以适用于其他人口,有可能减少青年持枪携带枪支的情况,因为最近有自杀想法或计划。 The research suggests that strategies reducing gun-carrying in military communities could be applied to other populations, potentially reducing gun-carrying among youths with recent suicidal ideation or plans.