COP29的研究发现,气温上升与年轻人自杀思想的增加有关。 Study at COP29 finds rising temperatures linked to increased suicidal thoughts in young people.
在COP29会议上提出的一项新的研究将气温上升与年轻人自杀思想和行为的增加联系起来。 A new study presented at COP29 links rising temperatures to increased suicidal thoughts and behaviors among young people. 每天气温每上升1摄氏度, 紧急访问量就会增加1.3%。 For every 1°C increase in daily temperature, there's a 1.3% rise in emergency visits for such issues. 这项研究从2012年至2019年覆盖澳大利亚,表明即使是非极端热天也构成风险。 The research, covering Australia from 2012 to 2019, shows that even non-extreme hot days pose risks. 它强调需要迅速从化石燃料和心理健康系统的准备状态过渡,以应对气候变化对青年的影响。 It emphasizes the need for rapid transition from fossil fuels and preparedness in mental health systems to address the impacts of climate change on youth.