澳大利亚青年现在将生活费用的上涨列为他们最关切的问题,超过气候变化。 Australian youth now rank the rising cost of living as their top concern, surpassing climate change.
澳大利亚青年现在把生活费用的上涨放在气候变化的优先地位,过去两年来,他们的关切增加了一倍以上。 Australian youth now prioritize the rising cost of living over climate change, with concerns more than doubling in the past two years. 半数以上认为成本上升,包括通货膨胀、利率和粮食价格,是其首要议题。 Over half cite rising costs, including inflation, interest rates, and food prices, as their top issue. 尽管气候变化和心理健康仍然严重,但财政压力和对犯罪的关切却有所上升,五分之一以上遭受了严重的心理痛苦。 Despite climate change and mental health remaining significant, financial stress and concerns over crime have risen, with over one in five experiencing high psychological distress.