世卫组织敦促各国在气候变化影响日益加剧的情况下加强心理健康系统。 WHO urges nations to strengthen mental health systems amid growing climate change effects.
世界卫生组织(世卫组织)认识到气候变化对心理健康的影响越来越大,敦促各国加强其心理健康系统和服务。 The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the growing impact of climate change on mental health, urging countries to strengthen their mental health systems and services. 气候变化日益在世界各地,特别是在东南亚地区造成情感焦虑、焦虑、抑郁、悲痛和自杀行为。 Climate change is increasingly causing emotional distress, anxiety, depression, grief, and suicidal behavior worldwide, particularly in the South-East Asia region. 世卫组织2021年的调查显示,只有9个国家将心理健康和心理社会支助纳入其国家卫生和气候变化计划。 WHO's 2021 survey revealed that only 9 countries included mental health and psychosocial support in their national health and climate change plans. 将气候变化方面的考虑纳入心理健康政策和方案,解决气候变化对心理健康和健康影响的资金缺口,可有助于减轻这些心理健康影响。 Integrating climate change considerations into mental health policies and programs, and addressing funding gaps for mental health and health impacts of climate change can help mitigate these mental health impacts.