参议员苏珊·柯林斯计划2026年连选连任 使民主党参议院的多数希望复杂化 Senator Susan Collins plans 2026 reelection, complicating Democrats' Senate majority hopes.
参议员苏珊·柯林斯(R-ME)宣布计划在2026年竞选连任,使民主党争取参议院控制权的努力复杂化。 Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) announced plans to run for reelection in 2026, complicating Democrats' efforts to gain Senate control. 尽管在2020年支持拜登的州面临挑战,但中间派共和党的柯林斯赢得了上届选举,并打算担任参议院拨款委员会主席。 Despite facing challenges in a state that supported Biden in 2020, Collins, a centrist Republican, won her last election and aims to chair the Senate Appropriations Committee. 她的连选投标可能使民主党人更难翻转足够多的席位,以重新获得参议院的多数。 Her re-election bid could make it harder for Democrats to flip enough seats to regain the Senate majority.