前共和党人Doug Collins,海军兽医和Trump Ally, 将面临确认 VA 秘书职务的听证会。 Former Rep. Doug Collins, a Navy vet and Trump ally, will face confirmation hearing for VA Secretary role.
前格鲁吉亚代表Doug Collins和Trump Ally将在星期二的退伍军人事务秘书确认听证会上作证。 Doug Collins, former Georgia representative and Trump ally, is set to testify at his confirmation hearing for the role of Secretary of Veterans Affairs on Tuesday. Collins,海军退伍军人和前空军后备牧师,由于背景调查不完整,他的听证会被推迟了。 Collins, a Navy veteran and former Air Force Reserve chaplain, had his hearing postponed due to an incomplete background check. 尽管可能存在保健政策方面的问题,但预计柯林斯在确认过程中不会遇到重大反对。 Despite potential questions on health care policies, Collins is not expected to face significant opposition in his confirmation process.