参议员苏珊·柯林斯支持图尔西·加巴德担任国家情报局局长,很可能将她的提名推向参议院全体会议。 Senator Susan Collins backs Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence, likely advancing her nomination to the full Senate.
参议员苏珊·柯林斯宣布支持图尔西·加巴德被任命为国家情报局局长,这是参议院9-8分裂情报委员会的重要投票。 Senator Susan Collins announced her support for Tulsi Gabbard's nomination as Director of National Intelligence, a critical vote in the 9-8 split Senate Intelligence Committee. Gabbard,一名前民主国会议员,在她对Edward Snowden和外交政策的看法上面临问题,但她的提名很可能在Collins的支持下向参议院全体成员提出。 Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman, faces questions over her views on Edward Snowden and foreign policy, but her nomination is likely to advance to the full Senate with Collins' backing. 委员会定于星期二举行投票。 The committee is set to vote on Tuesday.