警方搜捕嫌犯 从北温哥华的一家全食品店 偷了价值12 800美元的奶酪 Police search for suspect who stole $12,800 worth of cheese from a Whole Foods in North Vancouver.
北温哥华警方正在搜寻一名嫌犯, 他于9月29日从一家全食店偷取了价值约12 800美元的奶酪。 Police in North Vancouver are searching for a suspect who stole approximately $12,800 worth of cheese from a Whole Foods store on September 29. 警官在附近的一条小道上发现一辆偷来的奶酪车,看到一名男子从与该商店相连的楼梯间逃走。 Officers found a cart of stolen cheese in a nearby laneway and saw a man flee from a stairwell connected to the store. 嫌犯仍逍遥法外,在安全录像中被发现,被描述为一名身着黑色奥克兰Athletics帽、白色T恤和棕色夹克的高加索男子。 The suspect, who remains at large, was seen on security footage and is described as a Caucasian male wearing a black Oakland Athletics cap, white T-shirt, and brown jacket. 敦促公众向北温哥华皇家骑警(RCMP)或 " 犯罪救助者 " 提供任何信息。 The public is urged to provide any information to the North Vancouver RCMP or CrimeStoppers.