Brantford警方正在调查一家杂货店盗窃价值1 200美元的黄油。 Brantford police are investigating the theft of $1,200 worth of butter from a grocery store.
Brantford警方正在调查10月29日在一家杂货店盗窃价值近1 200美元的黄油的事件。 Brantford police are investigating the theft of nearly $1,200 worth of butter from a grocery store on October 29. 两人身着黑衣和棒球帽,在晚上8时30分左右盗窃,在一辆白色面包车里逃脱。 Two men, dressed in black clothing and baseball hats, committed the theft around 8:30 p.m. and escaped in a white van. 当局正在请求公众协助查明嫌疑人。 Authorities are requesting the public's assistance in identifying the suspects. 鼓励有信息的人在519-756-7050时与警察联系。 Those with information are encouraged to contact the police at 519-756-7050.