44岁的澳大利亚男子因据称诈骗老年人46M美元,在米兰Malpensa机场被捕,被联邦调查局通缉。 44-year-old Australian man wanted by FBI for allegedly defrauding $46M from elderly, arrested at Malpensa Airport, Milan.
意大利警方逮捕了一名 44 岁的澳大利亚男子,他被贴上了“意大利裔澳大利亚人”的标签,因涉嫌诈骗老年人和弱势受害者高达 4600 万美元而被联邦调查局通缉。 Italian police arrested a 44-year-old Australian man, labeled an "Italo-Australian," wanted by the FBI for allegedly defrauding elderly and vulnerable victims out of up to $46 million. 嫌疑人被追捕已超过三年,从新加坡抵达后在米兰马尔彭萨机场被捕。 The suspect had been sought for over three years and was apprehended at Malpensa Airport in Milan after arriving from Singapore. 骗局严重影响了许多受害者,特别是老年人。 The scam significantly impacted numerous victims, particularly the elderly.