以色列部队向黎巴嫩扩张,以真主党为目标,造成平民伤亡,并引起区域稳定关切。 Israeli forces expand into Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah, causing civilian casualties and raising regional stability concerns.
以色列部队将军事行动扩大到黎巴嫩南部,进一步进入该国,以真主党控制的地区为目标。 Israeli forces have expanded their military operations into southern Lebanon, advancing further into the country and targeting areas controlled by Hezbollah. 这种升级包括对贝鲁特和黎巴嫩-叙利亚边境的空袭。 This escalation includes airstrikes on Beirut and the Lebanon-Syria border. 国防部长证实地面行动旨在削弱真主党。 The Defense Minister confirmed the ground operation aims to weaken Hezbollah. 冲突导致平民伤亡,最近几天至少有20名儿童丧生。 The conflict has led to civilian casualties, with at least 20 children killed in recent days. 对于长期战争的可能性及其对区域稳定的影响,人们日益感到关切。 Concerns are growing about the potential for a prolonged war and its impact on regional stability.