以色列军方在空袭和加大火箭弹袭击中下令疏散真主党武器附近的黎巴嫩民宅。 Israeli military orders evacuation of Lebanese homes near Hezbollah weapons amid airstrikes and heightened rocket attacks.
以色列军方已建议黎巴嫩平民撤离存放真主党武器的房屋和建筑物,以应对黎巴嫩南部的新一轮空袭。 The Israeli military has advised Lebanese civilians to evacuate homes and buildings storing Hezbollah weapons, amid new airstrikes in southern Lebanon. 在真主党向以色列北部发射了 100 多枚火箭弹之后,局势升级,标志着敌对行动的显着增加。 This escalation follows Hezbollah firing over 100 rockets into northern Israel, marking a significant increase in hostilities. 这种情况引发了人们对更广泛冲突的担忧,据报道,黎巴嫩有人员伤亡,包括一名真主党指挥官,这促使联合国呼吁保持克制。 The situation raises concerns of a broader conflict, with casualties reported in Lebanon, including a Hezbollah commander, prompting calls for restraint from the United Nations.