以色列对黎巴嫩南部的袭击造成数人受伤,其中包括一名儿童,他们声称停火遭到违反。 Israeli strikes in south Lebanon injure several, including a child, amid claims of ceasefire violations.
以色列最近对黎巴嫩南部的两次袭击造成数人受伤,其中包括一名7岁儿童。 Two recent Israeli strikes in south Lebanon have injured several people, including a seven-year-old child. 黎巴嫩卫生部报告说,对Majdal Zoun的一辆汽车进行的空袭造成三人受伤,对Al Bisariya的另一次袭击造成一人受伤。 The Lebanese Health Ministry reported that an airstrike on a car in Majdal Zoun wounded three people, while another strike on Al Bisariya injured one person. 以色列声称,它针对违反停火的行为,将真主党的设施和军事设备作为攻击目标。 Israel claims it targeted a Hezbollah facility and military equipment, responding to ceasefire violations. 双方相互指责对方违反旨在结束一年冲突的停火协议。 Both sides have accused each other of breaching the ceasefire aimed at ending over a year of conflict.