Ayden Braqi 1号高等法院命令终止对Ayden Braqi的生命支持, 压倒母亲的反对。 High Court orders end to life support for Ayden Braqi, 1, overriding mother's opposition.
一名一岁的Ayden Braqi患有严重、不可逆转的神经肌肉疾病,在高等法院作出终止其生命保障的裁决后,死于大奥蒙德街医院。 One-year-old Ayden Braqi, suffering from a severe, irreversible neuromuscular disease, died at Great Ormond Street Hospital after a High Court ruling to end his life support. 他的母亲反对这一决定,辩称他仍然可以得到照料和享受生活。 His mother opposed the decision, arguing he could still receive care and enjoy life. 法院认定,治疗的负担大于福利,裁定获得缓和治疗符合Ayden的最佳利益。 The court found that the burdens of treatment outweighed the benefits, ruling it was in Ayden's best interest to receive palliative care.