Brian Coyne的家人在出生后死于心脏病后 解决了75万欧元的诉讼 Brian Coyne's family settles lawsuit for €750,000 after he died of a heart attack post-birth.
Brian Coyne是42岁的父亲,在婴儿出生六周后死于心脏病,Brian Coyne的家人已经解决了针对他的GP的75万欧元的诉讼。 The family of Brian Coyne, a 42-year-old father who died of a heart attack six weeks after his baby's birth, has settled a lawsuit against his GP for €750,000. Coyne在死前两天去看了医生,他抱怨胸部疼痛,但没有转诊接受进一步治疗。 Coyne visited the doctor two days before his death complaining of chest pain but was not referred for further treatment. 结算涉及另外4项神经休克索赔。 The settlement covers four additional claims for nervous shock. 法院批准了和解,指出考虑到诉讼风险,这是公平的。 The court approved the settlement, noting it was fair given the litigation risks.