四个国家签署了ACTS,这是一项侧重于可持续性和消除环境商品和服务关税的贸易协定。 Four countries signed the ACCTS, a trade pact focusing on sustainability and eliminating tariffs on environmental goods and services.
新西兰、哥斯达黎加、冰岛和瑞士签署了ACTS, 这是一项侧重于可持续性的贸易协定。 New Zealand, Costa Rica, Iceland, and Switzerland signed the ACCTS, a trade agreement focusing on sustainability. 它取消对300多项环境商品和100多项服务的关税,支持生态标签,并禁止新的化石燃料补贴。 It eliminates tariffs on over 300 environmental goods and 100 services, supports eco-labelling, and bans new fossil fuel subsidies. 这项交易旨在刺激新西兰的经济和出口,同时降低消费成本。 This deal aims to boost New Zealand's economy and exports while reducing consumer costs. 该协议将提交给议会,并可在2026年初生效。 The agreement will be submitted to parliaments and could take effect in early 2026.