加拿大政府向遭到野火袭击的贾斯珀小企业提供4M美元援助。 Canadian government offers $4M aid to Jasper small businesses hit by wildfire.
加拿大联邦政府宣布提供400万美元的一揽子援助计划, 帮助艾伯塔州贾斯帕的小企业复苏, The Canadian federal government has announced a $4 million aid package to help small businesses recover in Jasper, Alberta, following a wildfire in July that destroyed a third of the town. 其中350万美元的补助金将提供给雇员人数在50人或以下的企业。 Of this, $3.5 million in grants will be available to businesses with 50 or fewer employees. 另外500 000美元将用于建立旅游方案和展览,将游客带回贾斯珀。 An additional $500,000 will be used to create tourist programs and exhibits to bring visitors back to Jasper.