贾斯珀居民在野火过后,在当地支持和希望恢复的情况下重建社区。 Jasper residents, after wildfires, rebuild community with local support and hope for recovery.
在毁灭性的野火之后,贾斯珀居民在开始重建社区时持谨慎乐观的态度。 In the wake of devastating wildfires, Jasper residents are cautiously optimistic as they begin to rebuild their community. 许多人面临无家可归和被污染的家园,然而,复原力的精神是强烈的。 Many are facing homelessness and contaminated homes, yet the spirit of resilience is strong. 社区支助,特别是加拿大皇家军团的支助,一直至关重要。 Community support, especially from the Royal Canadian Legion, has been crucial. 尽管人们对官僚主义障碍感到关切,赫布·鲁滨逊和戴维·贝克等当地人仍希望该镇的复苏和未来发展。 Despite concerns over bureaucratic hurdles, locals like Herb Robinson and David Baker emphasize hope for the town's recovery and future development.