2021年贾斯珀山火造成8.8亿美元的损失,排名第二昂贵的阿尔伯塔山火,流离失所25,000人. 2021 Jasper wildfire causes $880M damage, ranking as 2nd costliest Alberta wildfire, displacing 25,000.
加拿大保险局报告说,摧毁贾斯珀国家公园的贾斯珀野火已造成超过8.8亿美元的保险损失,是艾伯塔省历史上第二大最昂贵的野火,也是加拿大历史上第九大最昂贵的自然灾害。 The Insurance Bureau of Canada reports that the Jasper wildfire, which ravaged Jasper National Park, has caused insured damages of more than $880 million, ranking as the second most expensive wildfire in Alberta's history and the ninth-costliest natural disaster in Canadian history. 野火摧毁了350座建筑物,占该镇建筑的三分之一,7月约有25 000人流离失所。 The wildfire destroyed 350 buildings, comprising a third of the town's structures, and displaced around 25,000 people in July.